Privacy Policy


    Legal Notes – Terms and conditions of use of the website

    Anyone who accesses, browses, or uses this website agrees without restriction to be bound by the conditions specified below. If they are not accepted or you do not intend to be bound by them, you cannot access, use, or download content from the site. At any time Argu Srl owner of the website reserves the right to update or change these conditions and terms of use, without any obligation to give prior notice. In the case of changes to the conditions, access to the website implies a commitment to comply with the conditions as amended.

    Ownership of rights

    The website is the exclusive property and pertinence of Argu Srl. The rights to the contents belong to Argu Srl. Some Internet pages on this website may also contain material subject to the copyrights of those who have made it available. By publishing them, Argu Srl owner of the site does not convey any rights to any such content. The surfer may not use or have third parties use the website and the data contained therein for commercial purposes. Any use for commercial intent or utility or economic exploitation by users is therefore always expressly prohibited.


    1. Modify the website and any of its content or mode of access;

    2. Conduct that constitutes an offense under current regulations;

    3. Conduct intended to split parts or sections of this site and/or to incorporate them into other third party sites, to modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload from program, make public, transmit or distribute in any way the content, in whole or in part, without the prior consent of the Owner in violation of these conditions;

    4. Attempt to access restricted areas of the website without authorization;

    5. Uploading computer programs, files and any other programs

    6. Having a browsing conduct that causes or may cause damage, interruption or limitation of this website or its services

    7. The unauthorized collection, of personal information about third parties

    8. Use of highlighted mailing addresses for purposes other than professional contacts for services provided.

    Applicable regulations

    All content published or featured on the website, including its selection and organization as well as the layout and design of the website, is protected by current privacy legislation, the Copyright Act and other national and international regulations on the protection of intellectual and industrial property, their amendments and additions.

    Links to Other Web Sites

    The pages of the site may contain links to other sites. Users who, through the link on the website, decide to access other linked websites assume all risks related to that decision. Argu Srl is not ‘responsible for the content of any sites accessible through “links” or their malfunction. Argu Srl reserves the right to remove any link at any time. The user who would like to insert a link to this website in his or her “homepage” will have to request authorization from the data controller by forwarding a written request to the PEC address of Argu Srl, which reserves the right to evaluate the request and grant authorization in absolute discretion.


    Argu Srl cannot ‘be held responsible for facts and / or damages that may result to the user and / or third parties from the use of this site and / or content. Argu Srl cannot be held responsible for any facts and/or damages caused by actions taken by it as a result of prohibited behavior of the user or third parties. Argu Srl cannot be held responsible for problems arising to the user from interruptions, suspensions, delays or anomalies in the provision of the service dependent on the supply of electricity or telephone/telematic service, or other causes related to the technical means by which the Content is transmitted, and neither the accuracy nor the constant up-to-dateness of the Content of the website is absolutely guaranteed.


    Argu Srl, in the person of its legal representative p.t., P.IVA: 02934960275, Via Ferraris, 3/3 30036 Sanra Maria di Sala VE, ITALY.
    Tel. 041 5760069, E-mail:, as data controller, (hereinafter, Data Controller)

    It informs you

    pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (hereinafter, GDPR) that Your data will be processed in accordance with the aforementioned legislation and in the manner and for the purposes specified below:

    Purpose of processing and nature of data
    The Data Controller, as part of its business, processes Your personal data (specifically, first name, last name, email, company name, telephone later, personal data or even data) collected when You voluntarily enter the aforementioned personal data in the data collection form on this website.

    Purpose of processing

    Your personal data are processed, for the following distinct purposes by legal basis of reference:

    2.1 Contract execution – fulfillment of legal obligation (art.6 lett. b , lett. c).

    Your personal information is processed for the following purposes:

    (a) Fulfill pre-contractual, contractual and administrative-accounting obligations

    (b) Fulfill obligations under the law, a regulation, EU legislation or an order of the Authority.

    2.2 Based on Your Consent (Art.6(a).

    Your personal data are processed, for the purpose of sending via sms and/or e-mail informative and promotional communications, as well as newsletters by the Owner in relation to its own and/or subsidiary and/or related companies’ initiatives (Marketing purposes).

    Recipients or categories of data recipients
    Data of a personal nature provided may be disclosed to third-party recipients in order to comply with contracts or related purposes. More specifically, data may be disclosed to recipients in the following categories:

    – Professionals and consultants in legal, labor taxation;

    – Banking institutions;

    – Competent authorities for fulfillment of legal obligations and/or provisions dictated by public bodies (Internal Revenue Service, etc.);

    – External parties who manage / support / assist, even if only occasionally, the Owner in the administration of the information system and telecommunications networks (including e-mail).

    Individuals in the above categories act as Data Processors, or operate completely independently as separate Data Controllers. The list of any responsible parties is constantly updated and available at the Controller’s office.

    Mode of tarting

    The processing will be carried out both by manual and/or computerized and telematic means as well as with logics of organization and processing strictly related to the aforementioned purposes and in any case in such a way as to guarantee the security, integrity, availability and confidentiality of personal data.

    In compliance with the provisions of Art. 5 paragraph 1(e) of Reg. EU 2016/679, the personal data collected will be kept in a form that allows the identification of the data subjects for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which the personal data are processed.

    Provision of data

    Please note that, taking into account the purposes of the processing specified in section 2.1, the provision of data is compulsory and their non-, partial or incorrect provision may have, as a consequence, the inability to perform the professional service.

    Data transfer to a country and/or international organization
    Data of a personal nature provided are not transferred outside the European Union.

    Duration of treatment

    Personal data are retained for the duration of the contractual relationship and, in the case of revocation and/or other termination of the aforementioned relationship, within the terms established by law for the fulfillment of, for example, tax obligations.

    For marketing purposes, data will be retained until consent is revoked or for the period stipulated by legislation or Measures issued by the Supervisory Authority.

    Rights of the data subject

    You may, at any time, exercise your rights as expressed in Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 of EU Regulation 2016/679, and in particular:

    – Of access to personal data;

    – to obtain the rectification or cancellation of the same or the restriction of the processing concerning him/her;

    – To object to processing; to data portability;

    – to revoke consent: revocation of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent given before revocation;

    – To file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (Privacy Guarantor).

    The exercise of Your rights may be done by sending the Data Controller a request to the following contacts:

    Via Ferraris, 3/3 30036 Santa Maria di Sala VE, ITALY,
    Tel. 041 5760069
    VAT NUMBER: 02934960275

    I declare that I have read this privacy policy and in particular I have read point 2, concerning the purposes of processing, and point 8 concerning the rights of the data subject.

    Argu Ltd.


    Information and disclaimers

    We are committed to ensuring that the information that appears on our Site is accurate and up-to-date. However, we do not rule out unintentional errors or omissions. Therefore, the visitor is invited to verify the accuracy of the published information by contacting us directly. We reserve the right to make, without prior notice, any necessary changes and therefore the images, explanations, etc. on the Site may differ in some parts with the proposed products and or services. We will not be liable in any way for any use that may be made of the information herein and/or any damages arising directly or indirectly from such use. The rights of consumers will not be affected in any way.


    We will not be responsible in relation to what is contained in the hypertext sites linked to your own, as they are totally beyond any form of control on our part. Therefore, the risks associated with the use of such sites will be borne entirely by the user.

    Data transmission

    Any information or data sent and transmitted to us through this Site will be treated in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 675/96 on the protection of privacy. The user agrees not to transmit to this Site any material with obscene, vulgar, pornographic, defamatory, blasphemous content or, in any case, damaging to any right protected by Italian laws; otherwise, he/she will assume full responsibility for it under the law.


    We authorize the use, reproduction and distribution of the information contained in this Site, as well as the related graphic material, provided that a copyright reference appears on all reproductions: excluding sites with obscene, vulgar, pornographic, defamatory, blasphemous content or, in any case, harmful to any right protected by Italian laws. In the event that information related to third parties, appearing in this Site, is used, reproduced or distributed, the copyright of such third parties shall be preserved through reproduction in all copies.


    Trademarks and “logos” appearing on this Site are registered or unregistered trademarks belonging to us or third parties and may not be used for advertising purposes without the prior written consent of the trademark owner.